This book focuses on how to win real money playing online poker! Whether you’re just learning to play poker, are making the transition from land-based cardrooms to online games, or already have online skills and want to win even more money, World Champion Barry Shulman reveals the inside strategies used by professional players to make massive profits.
Online poker has a greater choice of games and betting limits than in land-based casinos—from no-limit hold’em, Omaha, and stud, to new games such as Badugi—and they run 24/7 at virtually every online poker site.
You’ll learn how to make profitable game selections, adjust for the more aggressive and loose games prevalent online, use Internet tools to learn about opponents’ playing styles, and how to gain an advantage over your opponents. Shulman also reveals the secrets used by winning players, online tells, multitabling, cash and tournament strategies, how to avoid going broke, maximizing wins, plus sit-and-go, turbo, and super turbo strategies.