What if everything you thought you knew about poker turned out to be wrong? If you've been wondering why you aren't making a profit at poker, it may be because much of the advice in today's mainstream poker theory is incorrect. The authors take apart the 50 greatest fallacies in poker, many of which represent the pillars of the game, revealing the fallacies that cost you big money. The underlying fault in each misconception is thoroughly explained, and corrected, with numerous real-life poker hands that demonstrate each concept. Schmidt also takes you with him to the poker table as he plays 25 pivotal hands, and then gives you a self-quiz to test your progress in understanding the book's groundbreaking poker concepts. The authors held each of the 50 pieces of advice to two standards: First, does this advice get in the way of players being profitable; and second, can we prove it? Get ready for a book that will revolutionize your game and, bottom line, make you money!