The versatile and dangerous court numbers, the third best performing number in a
Best Number Analysis, are the secret weapon of an exclusive group of advanced lottery
players. This advanced strategy—The Orange Papers—avoids played out numbers
and builds tickets around aggressive court plays targeting big jackpots, You learn how
to play courts as minor keys and major keys, and how to run conservative and aggressive
betting schemes. The Orange Papers also includes strategies for playing fourths,
fifths, and for cold courts, the rising star in Overdue Number Analyses!
Bonus: Level III Step-Down Strategy Package! You also receive absolutely free with
the Orange Papers, the Level III Step-Down Playing Strategies. These uniquely designed
strategies start with the courts and step down, that is, eliminate the middling
numbers that weren’t good enough tto get into the top tier, and avoiding the mistakes
made by the average lotttery players.