One of the 'grand old men of poker', T. J. Cloutier is in the Poker Hall of Fame, winner of six WSOP bracelets, was twice voted Player of the Year, and has the distinction of winning more titles in no-limit and pot-limit hold than any other professional in the field. Another seasoned professional, Tom McEvoy is the winner of four WSOP gold bracelets (including the World Championship), as well as the 2009 WSOP Champion of Champions event, and the first player to ever win a PPT championship and a WSOP Main Event Championship. Together, Cloutier and McEvoy have collaborated to write "Championship 107 Hold'em Tournament Hands: A Hand-by-Hand Guide to Winning Hold'em Tournaments!", a 320-page compendium composed of illustrations and step-by-step explanations of outstanding poker tournament hands by outstanding tournament poker players. Aspiring poker players seeking to improve their play will learn how to play all important hold-em hands from preflop to the river card. They'll also be instructed in how to use strategic play for maximum profit and how specific World Series of Poker champions played key hands in WSOP tournament 'do-or-die' situations. Of special note is 'Agony and Ecstasy at the Final Table: A Conversation with T. J. Cloutier'. Simply stated, "Championship 107 Hold'em Tournament Hands: A Hand-by-Hand Guide to Winning Hold'em Tournaments!" is informed, informative, and should be considered mandatory reading for anyone seeking to win their way to a tournament championship of their own!